Oranges are the only fruit

I have always loved marmalade but since making my own, I have been quietly obsessed with creating a marmalade that makes me sing, that is super fruity and practically medicinal in its offering, is just sweet enough, and can be eaten out of the jar with a spoon.

I think this is it.

Did you know that orange peels are high in certain phytochemicals, flavonoids and antioxidants? They also provide vitamins A, B and C, as well as calcium and magnesium AND a single tablespoon of orange peel contains 14% of our vit. C requirements, which is three times higher than the inner fruit itself. I am not sure how this translates into the cooked product, but if you are a marmalade aficionado, I nonetheless feel this is what is needed to carry you through the deep grey of the winter months.

This marmalade is so fruity it is more closely related to a compote, and the flavour straddles the spectrum between a fruit pastille and a pulped whole orange. It really is an intensely fruity marmalade beauty.

botanical marmalade £10

It is absurdly good and is made with organic citrus: Seville oranges, pink grapefruits, lemons, oranges and organic raw cane sugar. PLUS a cheeky sprig of rosemary from the plot that is placed in the jar to infuse as the marmalade cools. It would take a lot to overwhelm the tangy fruitiness of citrus, and I find that the addition of this (immune boosting, antioxidant and detoxifying) botanical offers a a light floral haze to the palette and creates a round flavour.

Let me know if you would like to add one of these beauties to your order.


Tulip fever